Birth anniversaries tomorrow include author Henry David Thoreau (1817), pottery designer Josiah Wedgwood (1730), architect Buckmisnster Fuller (1895), comedian Joe De Rita (Curly of the three stooges) (1909) and comedian Milton Berle (1908). The island nation Kiribati celebrates their independence (1979),the battle of Kursk (1943) and historian Frderick Jackson turner’s Frontier Address was pesented (18930
My little girl doubled in size in the month she’s been here 15 pounds to 27 pounds. We were at the vet for her shots the other day and she was being rude to some dog in the waiting room by barking at him and he was much bigger and didn’t seem to appreciate it. To assure my dominance, I told her to “Sit” in the command voice. She immediately dropped her butt to the ground. The staff at the vets office gave her a standing ovation. 🙂 Here’s my not so little girl:
There’s a rumor circulating about my health. Yes, i’ve recently experienced some health issues and am in good shape. 🙂 Thanx to all that have expressed concern, I appreciate it. And just to be clear, someone is spreading untruths about my health.
In reference to my last post where Allegheny County was considering changing the colors of the Sisters Bridges (6th, 7th and 9th). Th voting is over and 85% of respondents want them to stay gold. Yeah!
The NY TImes recently posted an recipe for guacamole that included peas, and appearantly social media exploded with negative reactions. I had guacamole last night that had diced tomatoes, i would have to taste it with peas before i venture an opinion. Cuacamole to me is one of those food itemss like salads and humis that’s a blank slate waiting for someone’s creativity to punch it up.
How about those fools out in Washington state that were exploring those ice caves at the foot of a glacier when the cave colapsed. When I saw the video on the news there was water pouring off the ice field. First of all, have you heard of global warming, maybe this is a way to get rid of the nay sayers. Second of all the Rangers were warning not to enter the caves, two strikes against you.
Keeping with our recent Independence Day, we may not have Bunker Hill or Gettysburg, but we do have a rich history of fighting for our freedom to include sites known for the birth of the Revolution and all the way up to challenging the new government over taxation policies the Whiskey Rebellion was centered right down the street where I grew up, the planning for the Whiskey Rebellion was held in a church on the corner of Rt 88 and Mingo Creek Road. Then right over in Fayette County is Fort Necessity an early bastion against the French and Indians during that pre-revolutionary war war. Not far from t Necessity, also in Fayette is Jumonville Glen that some claim was the first shots fired by the Amicans against the Birish in 1754. Over in Westmoreland County is Hannastown a re-creation of a colonial outpost that hosts a very large antique fair several weekends during the summer, that was my Dad’s favorite flea marsarketis held at Hannastown several weekends over the summer. While we’re out east lets mention Ft Ligonier, the fort was built four years after the battle of Jumonville Glen.Allegheny County has the Fort Pitt Museum and Blockhouse in Point State Park.We also have the Depreciation Lands spead over five Western PA Counties so named because they set asside these lands as compensation for Revolutionary War Veterans. The name for the lands is because the dollar made such a tumble right after the Revolutionary War. The museum dedicated to this is right over in Allison Park. And how can you talk about heritage sites without mentioning the Allegheny Arsenal over in Lawrenceville. It was established in 1814 and during the Civil War, and explosion caused the deaths of 78 individuals. Most of the casualties and injuries was to young women and girls because that was who was mainly employed there because of their slender hands made packing the explosives more efficient. It is believed that the river craft used my Lewis and Clark was built here in Pittsburgh, actually there’s a fair amount of evidence that the actual location was under the Liberty Bridge in Elizabeth PA. West of us there’s a tribute to General Richard Butler a Revolutionary War hero and later judge and state senator at the Butler County Court House. And South in Washington County the Bradford House on Washington’s S Main Street is the restored colonial home of David Bradford a Whiskey Rebellion principle.
Not sure when I will be able to make another post, take care,