
Sorry, I haven’t been blogging for a bit, I hope to start again soon.

Big news, this is the 10 yr anniversary of The Parador being open in PIttsburgh, celebrations will be an open house Saturday, July 16 from 4 to 8 pm  hoes-d’oeuvre (provided by Fable Table), beer, wine (provided by Dreadnought Wines), free valet parking, celebrities, special 10 year give aways and 50% off a two or three night visit that weekend.  If you book on line, put your dates in and click on Special Rates and in the Promo Box put in parador10yrs for the celebratory rate.  I’m asking that you RSVP so I can tell my very dear friend Lisa and owner of Fable Table guest count.  The email is [email protected]

I have a girl friend, Ester.  I’ve been feeding the squirrels peanuts for two years now.  Lately the female has been showing off, by jumping off the plate holding the peanuts and then scampering up to the window ledge outside my desk.  She stands on all four legs until I bend my head around past the computer monitor.  When she sees me she stands up on her hind legs (exposing herself).  🙂  The weather is so beautiful I have the office windows open and she has come into the office and got as far as the edge of the desk until she gets scared of da kidz.  Yes, in case you didn’t realize before, I am crazy.  🙂

If not before, I hope to see you July 17,
