
Today is the anniversary of the premier of Magnum PI, 1980.  Tomorrow is the anniversary of Joel Roberts Poinsett’s death in 1851.  He was the diplomat that brought back the central American plant that has become so popular for the holidays and had the plant named for him.

My sister and her friend can’t go to the Steeler’s game tomorrow.  Their tickets (around 737 row AA) are for sale.  If anyone wants them (face value $75), call her at 412.913.0949.  A guest checked in and also has two tickets around section 223.  Call me if you want these 412.231.4800.

They just don’t “get it”, do they?  We voted a bunch, not enough, state legislators out of office two years ago over their late at night, behind closed doors money grab for their raises.  We voted state judges out of office for the same.  I personally like President Obama a lot.  I think he’s a nice guy that has high morals and is trying to do “the right thing”.  I am questioning his ability to lead, at this point.  After the resounding thrashing the Democrats got in this past election and the GOP and Tea Party’s demand for financial reform, our federal representatives, of both parties, are still doing their pork line item add ons to every bill going through congress.  Our state representatives are still playing with their WAM (walking around money they take from us and give out to their special interests).  Out going Governor Rendell is sinking us deeper in debt with his out going special projects costing us $65 million.  OMG, what do we have to do to get through to them?  Take up arms.  (That statement will put me on NSA’s watch list).  🙂  Sorry for the tirade, maybe I should stop reading the paper everyday.

On a brighter note, Forbes magazine came out with their ratings of charitable organizations.  Again, one of my two favorites, Brother’s Brother, came out tied number one with the percentage of donations actually going to the charity and the least going to overhead (like the VA spending over a million dollars to “decorate” their new offices over here on the Northside).  My other favorite charity (and maybe slightly higher in my list because Greg is definitely one of the little guys making a big difference) Central Asia Institute sent out their yearly report, what an amazing organization and what an amazing individual Greg Mortenson is.  He’s the CAI as I am The Parador.  He’s written two amazing books, “Three Cups of Tea” and “Stones Into Schools” about his efforts to build schools to educate Pakistani and Afghan children, with an emphasis on girls.  CAI’s calendar’s hanging in my kitchen over the little table I use as a desk down here.

There’s a local young guy from Natrona Heights (up the Allegheny River) that’s stared his own business selling shoes he’s hand painted.  He’s twenty one years old and has been doing this since middle school.  Max Talbot, of the Penguins, is one of his customers and supporters.  His shoes run from around $300-$400 a pair, each are one of a kind.  You can see his work at his web site brushfootwear.com.

The Union Project at 801 N Negley Avenue in Highland Park (sort of near the zoo) is have their ninth annual “Unwrapped” community celebration and fund raiser this evening from 7 to 11.  It’s the old Union Baptist Church that was bought by a group of young Mennonites wanting to create a local arts and community center.  One of their first challenges was to repair/restore 150 stained glass windows.  They decided to take them out one at a time and use them to teach stained glass repair for a fee.  They’ve been working on this since.  The last I heard, they were desperately trying to get the last few  windows finished for tonight’s festivities.  If you have time, it’s beautiful space and worth the trip this evening.

Have a great one,
