One week after the end of World War II (1945), the French conflict in Vietnam began with the communist guerrilla named Ho Chi Minh, the first Mormon Tabernacle Choir performance in Salt Lake City (1847), the Battle of Stalingrad began (1942) and the volcano under Lake Nios in Cameroon erupted killing more than 1,500 people. Birth anniversaries include French composer Claude Debussy (1862), cartoonist George Herriman (1880), astronomer Samuel Langley (1834) and controversial Nazi propaganda actress Leni Riefenstahl (1902).
The Bessemer Court fountain at Station Square has gotten a new show. That’s the fountain that has danced to 80’s music for the last 10 – 15 years. Station Square officials have been getting sport’s announcers audio recordings of famous Steeler and Penguin’s moments of history (the Pirates haven’t had these moments in so long the recordings aren’t usable). They have weaved these recordings in famed stadium fan spirit tunes like Queen’s We Are Champions and Ozzy’s Crazy Train. Possibly the most famous sports moment in Pittsburgh history, The Immaculate Reception was not included because of the poor quality of it’s recording. ):
The Homemade Arcade, the annual craft show and sale at the convention center since 2004 is looking for new vendors. This yearly event has around 150 vendors and 6,000 shoppers. A great venue if you’re a vendor and particularly if you have a unique craft. The show is only one day, Saturday, December 7. I always find something unique at it. If you want to be a vendor, the deadline is September 15 and info is at their website.
The16th Annual Shadyside Arts Festival is back next Saturday (10 am – 7 pm) and Sunday (10 am – 5 pm) on Walnut Street. This is a fairly select group of artisans at this juried show of 200 craft persons from 30 states and it really draws the crowds that spend some cash.
Am I the only one with problems with the implementation of this federal sequester? You know, if I needed to, I could reduce the spending at The Parador Inn by 10% and not create havoc and chaos. I wouldn’t shut down my website, the number one source of reservations. I could cut my labor and it would take Kevin a little while longer to finish painting the Carriage, Dee might have to go home early a couple of days a week and I’d have to finish up her tasks and the same with Jeff. I could probably cut my food cost a bit without affecting the quality of breakfast. And I could postpone new projects to reduce my spending. See, it’s not rocket science. They are blaming the sequester for laying off public defenders that make $75 an hour and replacing them with $125 an hour private attorneys. I don’t think the wording in the sequester says “Lay off public defenders”. I think some stupid bureaucrat, that should be fired, is making that call. It’s like the generals saying the sequester is laying America up for eminent invasion. Please, when you have a yearly budget in the trillions, you don’t have to cut missal defense (although trimming it might not be a bad idea) as your only option. They are all giving me a headache.
Attention Northern communities serviced by Route 28, it looks like they will be opening the second northbound lane sometime later this year instead of next fall! They also have joined those two southbound lanes that were divided into chutes with Jersey barriers lining the chutes. There will still be lane closures and stuff through next fall (2014), but at least generally speaking commuting out of the city will be more civilized than it has for the past few years.
Riverfront Park’s latest tribute is the WWII Memorial, they started construction in May and hope to be finished in time for Pearl Harbor Day (December 7). It’s located on top of the slope over the Allegheny River between Jerome Bettis’ Grill 36 and the monument to commemorate Fallen Allegheny County Law Enforcement Officers. It’s a pretty large monument, with stone as the base and Oregon stone spirals and glass panes the will show photographs and narratives embedded in the glass. They’ve already raised the $4M for the construction and have a $300K trust fund to maintain it. Even though it’s fully fund, for some reason are looking for additional donations. If you would like to donate, you can do that through their website or by mailing checks to Soutwestern PA WWII Memorial, PO Box 23143, PGH, PA 15222.
This weekend is the celebration of the iconic American ice cream parlor treat the banana split in it’s hometown Latrobe. The Great American Banana Split Festival is set to run this Friday through Sunday in Downtown Latrobe, most events are free. The banana split was the brain child of David Strickler, an apprentice pharmacist at Tassel Pharmacy on Latrobe Street there. It originally cost ten cents and became so popular that Strickler commissioned Westmoreland Glass to create a glass “banana boat” to hold his creation. Nearby St Vincent College is making sure all incoming freshmen have the opportunity to partake in the festivities. The freshmen will be receiving commemorative t-shirts and bus transportation will be provided to the ceremonies. St Vincent’s planning a flash banana peeling mob on their football field among other themed festivities. Details at the City of Latrobe’s website.
That’s about it for today, enjoy,